Obituary – Lourdes Fernandes

Obituary for Lourdes Fernandes 

“We are all one BIG Family”

“You belong to me and I belong to you “ were some of Mama Lourdes mantras in her final days

Mama Lourdes Fernandes spent a mercifully short time in God’s waiting room, while on Palliative care at St Paul’s Hospital and then at May’s Place Hospice.  She passed away peacefully and gracefully, on May 13, 2024, Feast of our Lady of Fatima.

Mama Lourdes was born in Bombay, India to the late John and Albertina Dias. She married her beloved husband Moses and moved to Zimbabwe.
Here she thrived and raised her four children. The family emigrated to California. After her husband passed away, she moved to Vancouver BC

She loved unconditionally and often had the love reflected back to her by many whom she met.

Her family is relieved that she is free from the anguish of advancing dementia, and she will be sorely missed.

She leaves behind her beloved children, Rosario (and Jim) in Vancouver,, Sandy (and Jenny) New Zealand, David (Tania) Texas, and Savio (Renee) Texas. And her Grandchildren Zakiah, Ava, Grace and Kirsten.

Details to follow with regards to funeral, memorial and celebration of life services.

Eternal rest grant unto her,  O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul rest in peace.