Papal Award for Vila Nova Carvalho

Vila Nova received the Ecclesia the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. The cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (“For Church and Pope” in Latin) is a decoration of the Holy See. Established by Pope Leo XIII in 1888, it is the highest recognition the laity can receive from the Pope. The award is given for distinguished service to the Church by lay people or clergy.

An incredible honor to a very valued member of our GOA community. Vila Nova has also been actively involved with the Knights of Columbus for over 40 years and has been one of the founding members of the GOA Vancouver Association serving on the executive team in the past years.

Vila Nova Carvalho has served the local Church faithfully by his numerous involvements in the Archdiocese and his parish of St. Joseph the Worker in Richmond. In particular, he has been a long-time leader of the Serra Club, an international organization of Catholic lay men and women who promote and support vocations to the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life. He has served not only as President of the Vancouver Serra Club (1997–1999; 2015–present), but also as a trustee and vice-president of the international body.

He is a Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and has been a member of its governing council in the Western Canadian Lieutenancy.

Vila Nova has been an executive member and president of the Richmond Right to Life Society and a member of diocesan consultative bodies that assist The B.C. Catholic and the homeless shelter of Catholic Charities. He also serves as advocate at the marriage tribunal and is a member of the board of the Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese.